If Kodak Made Garages...

I'm sure they'd paint them 18% grey too. Very handy it was. :)


Sony RX100. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
Love the hinges on the right. Well observed, Pete. I love how the inverted V of the building, high left, is echoed in the tree behind the garages, and the weeds in front of the yellow garage. It's amazing how often a camera can pick up on these things.
I'm sure they'd paint them 18% grey too. Very handy it was. :)


Sony RX100. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.

Dude, you are on a roll here. I need to get my camera out again. I'm weird but so far this is my favorite among some fantastic photos. The colors on the door are perfect with the background.
I really like the series from Magdeburg and the way colours are displayed here. What an interesting place to visit. What happened to the phrase; " Ordnung muss sein?"