Illegal Photos Of London's Abandoned Underworld

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
There's a new'ish book out, with stunning, and somewhat illegally obtained images, of the abandoned tunnels under London.

Subterranean London: Cracking the Capital, a new book from art andarchitecture publisher Prestel, assembles material from 12 anonymous photographers infatuated with accessing underground spaces and documenting them illegally.


These folks went beyond what some would find acceptable, or legal, in order to explore and document miles of tunnels under the capital.

Several of the group even refused to include their images in the book - fearing retribution from the authorities - and one member even went as far as to destroy 4 years worth of images!



I can imagine this will be a stunning coffee table book, and an essential read for certain forum members @Dan Cattermole @Kev Pugh ;)
Brilliant Chris, you knew that this would be right up my street. :)

The second photo though is a very touchy subject in the Urbex world, and surprises me that it's been released in the open by that source to reveal its identity and location...
Due to the protection of this reservoir and secrecy anyone found to reveal any information of this particular place on Urbex forums will be asked to remove it or be removed themselves. Of course this is not an Urbex forum and the source is already been spilled elsewhere so your doing nothing wrong, but it's such a disappointment to see that they authors of this 'book' have no sense in protecting this location. It took me weeks of research without that information on the wall of that shot to find it, with it, it takes anyone seconds. Many people I've known have been in there and have been unexplainably overwhelmed by the sheer size and engineering of this mamouth structure. This photo released will now attract a lot more people and now become susceptible to vandalism and graffiti. This has been on my agenda for almost a year to visit, now I'd best pull my finger out before it all changes lol.
I think people have no idea about the morals of urban exploring when it comes to magnificent structures that are worth while keeping well under the belt to preserve and protect. I have a very good idea who's photo that belongs to as it's the same photo that was asked to be removed from a very popular Urbex forum that I'm a member of. I shall be sending a brief message to them as a token of my disapproval.
Thanks for the link Chris.