In The Clean Room

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I had to dress up head to toe in overalls to go in this room, I even had to wear a beard guard! I regret not getting a picture of my self, but I'm happy with the shots I got whilst I was in there.
This is one of the unofficial, so to speak, shots I took whilst photographing for a company out near Wales who are an industrial subcontractor in the field of medical and surgical ... erm ... stuff ... :)

Medical component manufacture
by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
Something to do with keeping your windpipe open during anesthetic I think Rob.

This sort of framing is, I realise Pete, completely alien to the normal style of framing and shooting I have with my digital SLR. I'm finding that having the RF with me on these jobs is encouraging "better" composition, that is less reliant on tricks like shallow dof, which I am arguably often to quick to use! The RF forces me to be a better photographer, moreover, it forces me to not be lazy! Basically, I want an M9 now, more than I ever thought I could possibly want another digital camera!
Get yourself a Hexar!

I agree with you about not resorting to "trickery" like shallow dof, etc. The Hexar really forces me to think composition in the frame.
Good one Hamish as Pete says the composition is superb. I hear what you say about the type of camera. I get that with the Merrill, you have to work slowly and look carefully. I'd also love also to get an M9 but never gonna happen :D