In the mists

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
When I first got the Fuji GS645s I loaded a roll of kodak portra 160 into it ..
For some reason I forgot to set the iso to 160 and left it at 800. I realised after the first shot but thought stuff it, i'll just get it pushed. I couldnt find anywhere to push it so just had it processed at 160.
It actually (with a little bit of pp) came out quite nicely

path through the trees by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

three trunks by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

misty road by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

tree by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

tree alone in mist by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
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I've read and heard that the Portra has tons of latitude Hamish, and these foties seem to support that notion. I love them, by the way! I especially like the first one for the blown out white beyond the trees. Its a really cool effect, that. Same goes for #2 except that I just like the compo of #1 better. I love #3 also as the mist really emphasizes the notion of peering into the distance. Plus the compo is very cool. 4 and 5 are really nice tree shots, especially 5 which I like so much for its wintery effect. Lovely set, Hamish!
Yep that last one is a corker Hamish - very atmospheric
Thanks both :)
That was my favorite when I first started tinkering with them ...
I'm not sure now, I quite the grass in the second one!
Hamish, I've looked at these a few times now and have finally decided that the 3rd is the one that sells it to me, they would all look good printed but the 3rd has something extra imo...sort of 60's Britain feel even with the dish that makes it odd in that respect but it all works...:)
Cheers Kev!

just for clarification, do we think it need the dish, or would be better without it?
How does anyone feel about the colours?
Cheers ...
the colours were odd to start with ... have a look at this

before pp__________________________________________after pp

mostly just getting rid of the purple tint in the shadows ...
Nice set Hamish, I like the last best though and it will no doubt look good printed. As for the dish question if it was me I would remove it.

Having them printed BIG
20" on the long edge ...
All saved and ready to send with 7 others to Joan at photo imaging tomorrow

The dish has stayed ... I think it adds somthing ... Not sure it's a positive addition but that's sorta why I like it ...