Paul Lange
Not managed to progress this project much further, you may remember that the first instalment was some photographs taken at a hospital. The project, like the others looks the similarities that you can find in what seems to initially be very different institutional environments. By institution, the term is used quite loosely referring to public offices, hospitals, schools, businesses, etc.. Very much along the lines of The Beauty of Rubbish, Walls and Hotels.
Only got one photograph that seemed to work. Unfortunately didn't get much time to dedicate to photography while I was at the Es Sider Tank Farm site office in Libya.

_DSC3137.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Only got one photograph that seemed to work. Unfortunately didn't get much time to dedicate to photography while I was at the Es Sider Tank Farm site office in Libya.

_DSC3137.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr