Into The Sun With The Brownie & Flipped Lens

Brian Moore

I wasn't very happy with my latest roll out of the Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model with flipped lens. Basically, I asked too much of the camera by shooting in a rather cavalier manner. Which is to say I failed to sufficiently respect the Brownie's shutter speed limitations.

However, with a few shots left I decided to see how well it would do with strong back-lighting and indeed, while shooting into the sun.

These won't be everyone's cup of tea, but they are the best I got out of the roll.

The film was Kodak Portra 800 that had expired in October of 2002. (Despite its age, however, the film was fine, as the ultimate image--with sun behind me, and which I include for comparison purposes--shows.)


Well, I'm one of the ones that do like them Brian. Sadie is looking especially radiant in the first and I like the blue pier. My favourite is the bikes an carriage. Superb.

And don't you have long legs?! ;)
Thank you, Pete. Much appreciated. (Did I neglect to mention that I am an alter ego of the Elongated Man?;))