Laurence Cremetti
Well-Known Member

What am I talking about?
Mixed event lighting!
Wednesday gig, two cameras. A 7d and a 40D. 40D has 15-85 on it, 7D has 70-200 on it.
Both cameras are armed with 550/580ex flashes, and wound up to ISO 3200 and 1600 respectively. Why?
Because I shoot ambient as best I can, with flash assistance.
It's not usually a big issue for events. Coloured lights produce coloured effects in images and that's that, but when the framing makes the image look fairly "normal" (ie not a catwalk or stage show), it helps to have a fair skin tone.
No problem with the 40d as I was up-close-and-personal, and one light always dominated the image, and was easily correctable. The problem was the 7D with the 70- 200 when used at 200.
Flash assistance was quite effective, but merged with a whole wall of window light, a tungsten rear projection system and old flourescent lighting! What a mess. No gel can fix that, no quick photoshop action either.
How do YOU, dear reader, deal with such a nightmare scenario?