Stan Hesketh
Well-Known Member
Haven't been on the forum for quite some time, and not very active with cameras, mainly due to temporarily losing my vision, which is not ideal for photography! Because of the miracle of lens implants, my cataracts are now history, and my eyesight is possibly better than it ever was. This is great of course, but one downside is that when looking through my photos, some are not as well focused as I had originally thought! That aside, I have inherited an immaculate, if elderly, Nikon D50 with kit lenses, and extremely low shutter count. I am extremly impressed with the Nikon lenses that came with it.This will keep my equally elderly 1100D company. I also inherited a box of vintage lenses, various makes/mounts, but the one I like best so far, is a Yashica 50mm. It plays really nicely with the Canon and when I get the opportunity, plan to test this and the others out properly (busy restoring a house.) Having lived on a boat for a number of years, I left 35mm behind, but still have some 35mm cameras, including three really nice 35mm Yashicas that I inherited. Perhaps one day...
Good to be back
Good to be back