Absolutely an answer I can relate to even though my head and brain are spinning to such an answer. Must be the viking blood rushing to the upper part that seldom get activated
Well frankly, the 2 first ones of the bridge are both edited in photoshop from being opened in raw. Both of them, basically with the same parameters for the both of them. I did not pay so much attention to blown highlights as highlights are also blown in reality in such a picture. The jpeg one has been set to classic chrome as I choose it hence its likeness to ordinary slidefilms. So both were opened as mentioned in the raw converter and transported to photoshop after the parameters in raw were set and done. My main idea was to see if there was a significant difference from raw as to jpeg! My experience under all circumstances except under quite dark conditions, is that jpeg is of no less quality than raw.
When it comes to the two of the girls, I did nothing but let them go through the raw converter, which I always use even on a jpeg one, to see if there is a signifant difference! On my monitor as well as yours it seems, that the latter is more neutral and more lifelike which I prefer. So thank you for your answer, which has been quite interesting. Now as we both have seen the two as they are, I shall complete them in my normal procedures, as well as try to take care of blown highlights, just to see which comes out the best with less editing. My experience here as going through the DNG raw converter, is that blown highlights in jpeg can still become or turned acceptable and just as good as the raw one. Bottom line, as I see it and shall show, is; that if you do your things right when triggering the shutter, as in experience for many years with slidefilm, a jpeg from the likes of Fuji is just as forgiven as a raw! Actually a Pentax behaves as well. And finally I think, anyone would prefer to have a camera where everything is being done in the camera whereas editing at a later stage is not needed, - unless one is utterly proper
All sport photography in Rio I take it, were jpegs straight out of the cameras! Again thanks for taking the time Pete and for your interest in the subject! Much appreciated!