Jack The Evangelist

Brian Moore

I bought a few filters a couple of weeks ago and decided to test them. I had three filters,...a Red 25A, a Yellow Y2 and a green one. So I took my Canon T70 to a local park at lunch time with the notion of taking the same image 4 times. First with no filter, then one with each filter.

I also had with me a friend's Koni-Omega Rapid to test. (No filters.)

I found a picnic bench in the shade and set down my belongings. I then spied this old feller making a body swerve and teetering in my direction. "Uh-oh,...what's he wanting?" I'm thinking.

Turns out he was evangelizing--he was a Jehovah's Witness--and asked if he could speak to me.

I'm quite incorrigible in my thoughts toward organized religion and so he and his beliefs had no chance of penetrating my skull. However, I am also a polite fellow and in most circumstances I believe in giving a person the time of day. So I explained why I was there and offered that if he didn't mind me doing what I was there to do then I wouldn't mind him talking to me while I was doing it. I also told him not to expect a miracle or even any kind of response from me. And with that we had an understanding.

So as he launches into his sermon I start shooting. First with no filter then with this filter then with that one, etc. I had my 28mm lens so I had a wide enough frame to get him in the shots even when I appeared (to him) to be shooting past him. Nevertheless, he had this annoying habit of shuffling to his right all the time, just to be sure he wasn't in my picture. This of course, caused me to have to make adjustments in my framing and it took all of my will power to refrain from telling him to "Stand bloody still!"

The first image below is with the red filter and Arista EDU 400 film.

From time-to-time I would ask him a question. Example: To his admonition that all humans must accept Jesus before they can get into heaven I asked, "What about an Indian from an undiscovered tribe in the Amazon jungle? How does he get into heaven when he dies if he has never even heard of Jesus?" I hoped I wasn't sounding condescending because that was not my intent. (That question has wrankled me since I was about 6.) Answer: "Everybody meets Jesus when they die." Fair enough response I guess.

Well, this went on a while. Me shooting and asking the occasional question and he sermonizing and answering as best he could. It was an entertaining few minutes actually and I think he enjoyed it too. Finally I asked permission to take his picture and he agreed. He put his Bible down to pose but I told him him he could hold it if he wanted to. I used the Koni-Omega and Fomapan 100 film for that one. It's the second picture below.

His name was Jack.


A great story and two nice shots (looking forward to the comparison). But the official 'portrait' is my favourite (so far). The engagement between subject and photographer is clear and it has so much more about it than candid shots usually do. With some careful printing I can imagine it on the wall with a title like, 'Jack, Jehovas Witness, X-Park, July 2012). It looks like it should be part of a series - maybe it could be! :)
Thanks very much, Pete. Not much to show on the other filter shots. The Red turned out the best of them by far. (The shade was too much for the green and yellow.)
I reckon that negative would print a treat. There was a lot of detail even in the JPEG - look at the folds in the shirt. And I wouldn't mind betting the title on the cover of the book is legible as well. Quite a tan he has though - I guess he spends a fair bit of time in the park!!
I reckon that negative would print a treat. There was a lot of detail even in the JPEG - look at the folds in the shirt. And I wouldn't mind betting the title on the cover of the book is legible as well. Quite a tan he has though - I guess he spends a fair bit of time in the park!!
I wonder if I should scan it at a higher resolution. I used 600.

And yes, he does have a good tan and must spend a lot of time out and about. I offered to send him a copy of the picture. I asked if he used a computer and he just chuckled. Told me he lives in a 60 year old house and drives a 40 year old car and he doesn't own a computer. I may have it printed and then go back and see if I can see him again.
I have Photoshop, Pete. But I don't know how to use it really. I also have Photoshop Elements, but I don't know how to use that either. But if you would recommend what "tool" to use in one of those programs I could fiddle around with it. Thanks.
What a great story Brian - lovely human interaction, and mutually beneficial

Interesting your thoughts on the filters - any plans to try them outside a shaded area?
Great captures there Brian.........
Great story and images thank for taking the time to write and share your photos.
The formal shot is also my favourite and could almost be an advert for the Witnesses. How could you not open your front door to a smile like that.
Thanks, Paul. The old feller was just delighted I think that someone gave him the time of day. That's what got the smile out of him in the end.