January Sails

Had you seen it before and thought it would make a great shot or was it that you had the camera and were looking for subjects? If I were going to print this I'd probably crop in tighter, below the upper windows and I would lose the RH side / corner to make it more graphic. What do you think?
Possibly. This is uncropped. I did think about a crop, especially of the bush, lower right. But then I saw how the distance on the right behind the front wall balanced the entrance walkway in front of the wall, placing the yacht in the middle distance. But it's not perfect, so I might play around with it.

I photographed it once before, and have passed it often with a camera in hand, but I could afford to wait for the right light. First time I saw it, I thought it would make a good shot. Lots of angles to worry about, though...
It does sort of accentuate the angle of the brickwork but I like the lack of the upper windows which I found a bit distracting. You could always cheat!
