Just Can't Stop Dancin'!

Brian Moore

Took this shot in November of last year during a break in one of the dress rehearsals for The Nutcracker.

Olympus XA and Arista Premium 100 film. (Re-branded Kodak Plus-X). Processed in Rodinal.

Certainly a story there with the girl eyeing the lad who is taking a moment to dance a couple of steps. The movement defined by the blur works a treat.
Thank you, Julian and Rob.

Actually that is a girl dressed as a boy who is in movement. At that level of dance, there are very few boys and so boy parts in The Nutcracker here in Ballet Etudes of Huntington Beach are mostly filled by girls. It never occurred to me when I posted the image that anyone would think the moving character to be any gender other than female.

Does the fact that the moving character is a girl make any difference to how you see the image I wonder?
Wonderful Brian. I assumed it was a boy dancing but now that you say its a girl I wonder if the tall person with their back to us is a boy or a tall girl.
Much appreciated, Paul. The tall one with back to us is a young woman. She is one of the teachers at the studio, and also acted in The Nutcracker. Thanks again, Paul!
Paul we were rehearsing the "Party Scene" which includes kids from about 11 or 12 right up through adults of middle age. The tall one with her back to us is probably 23 or 24. The others in the picture range from about 13 (the dancer is one of those) to about 16.
A wonderful behind the scenes moment Brian