Just For Fun I Had To Try This...

Glenn Clabo

Well-Known Member
I was sitting at the end of a pier this morning and even with my glasses on the sun was as bright I've seen it this year. So...I wondered what the camera would see...

through the glasses.jpg
Brilliant indeed. I often use my sunglasses as an improvised polarising filter for compact cameras but have never thought to see what would happen with a larger camera. Brilliant. :)
Thanks Pete...as I look at it I'd change it just a bit. I'd make sure the tug was showing completely. But hey...I always have my sunglasses.
Slow by Brit standards @Glenn Clabo some of us have already downed a couple, albeit in the confines of dark cold places where the sun rarely shines and the rain beats down and the days are short and the nights long and ...............oh woe oh woe, enjoy your beer Glenn :rolleyes: