heh ... yeah, im not sure if i might have pushed the vibrance a bit far on this pair of shots?
does it look natural?
did you know it was pp that had pushed them that bright?
I guessed it might have been. I don't think they look unnatural. I'm not a parent (or particularly baby oriented) but I find the new-born vs few month old contrast a bit disturbing - but then I don't have the right experience to judge them really.
The early months bring dramatic changes and then, before you know it, a few years will slip past and Connie will be wanting to borrow your camera to take to a party.
And, based on the ratio of Normal : 'Fun-Size', you'd be almost delirious when eating it!! What's that all about anyway? Fun size? What is fun about a small chocolate bar. A fun size would be about a foot long!!
Pete, I'd just like to get a real Mars bar over here - they call 'em Milky Way for some reason, and they're not Mars Bars, or Milky way for that matter
I can feel a trip to the British Store coming on...