Keira and Connie

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Connie with her cousin Keira


heh ... yeah, im not sure if i might have pushed the vibrance a bit far on this pair of shots?
does it look natural?
did you know it was pp that had pushed them that bright?
I guessed it might have been. I don't think they look unnatural. I'm not a parent (or particularly baby oriented) but I find the new-born vs few month old contrast a bit disturbing - but then I don't have the right experience to judge them really.
Now that's a look!

That's going to be a great shot to show them both when they're older :)

Hamish, the 5D7 with built in tilt-shift and 3D phase shifted hyper dimensional reality focus, will have swayed you by then - you'll have crossed over ;)
Based on Moore's Law, the Mars Bar will be a small bite sized sweet by 2020, so a tenner might just cover it! ;)
Pete, I'd just like to get a real Mars bar over here - they call 'em Milky Way for some reason, and they're not Mars Bars, or Milky way for that matter :(

I can feel a trip to the British Store coming on... ;)