Critique Welcomed La Jolla Cove

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Up and about before it was light this morning. Drove down to La Jolla to find it shrouded in early morning fog.


Break in the Fog - X-Pro1 and 23mm lens @ f/16 - 10 sec exposure with 3 stop ND filter

As dawn got closer, the fog began to push back out to sea.


Fishing from the Break - X-Pro1 and 23mm Lens @ f/16

Then, almost simultaneously, all of the gulls who had been roosting on the beach overnight took off towards the ocean.


Early morning Flight - X-Pro1 and 23mm Lens @ 1/4000 f/1.4

Eight minutes later, the sun broke through and the fog cleared the coast


First Light - X-Pro1 and 23mm Lens @ f/8

Time to pack-up and head back - just one more shot to take


Rusty Rail - X-Pro1 and 23mm Lens @ f1/4
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Out early to release the DSGs more like. Either way, what a fabulous set. What shutter speed did you achieve with the 3ND and f/16 Chris?
Thanks Pete - DSGs dispatched and already sending in imaging data! :D

Using the 3-stop ND got me down to 10 seconds - enough to smooth out the ocean a little
Similar early AM for and clearing up this way Chris. But I was trapped inside watching the Newcastle-Liverpool game. (Maybe tomorrow I'll get out early.)

Wonderful set. I can't help but think that La Jolla isn't often seen in B&W photos. Certainly I've never seen one.
Similar early AM for and clearing up this way Chris. But I was trapped inside watching the Newcastle-Liverpool game. (Maybe tomorrow I'll get out early.)

Wonderful set. I can't help but think that La Jolla isn't often seen in B&W photos. Certainly I've never seen one.
Trapped eh Brian! :D
Wonderful set Chris. Love the B&W work.
There really is something about the human attraction to ocean isn't there.
Thanks Glenn - having lived in the middle of the UK for most of my life, moving to the Pacific Coast has been quite a revelation
I like the DSG release shot in BW in particular, atmospheric. Good to see your early morning paid off.
Thanks Paul - Nearly missed that shot, as I was busy playing with narrow DOF and the railing - then they all just took off!

So it was a quick swing around and snap - still at f/1.4 - so I feel lucky to have got anything!
I was wondering why you'd chosen such a wide aperture. Even DSGs aren't that fast surely! ;)
That information is classified Pete - If I told you..... etc :D
Really nice shots, Chris. I have an auntie who lives in La Jolla, but she never told me it is black and white until the sun comes out, then everything turns coloured. How strange! Love the rust!
Thanks Rob - can't believe your aunt never mentioned the B&W/Color thing - everyone round here knows it! ;)

Fantastic set of images, the mono's really work for me -- wOw. Early morning flight in mono is superb, great capture and photography!!!!!
Thanks Peter - as much as I love color - I think I like B&W more
Thanks Paul - Nearly missed that shot, as I was busy playing with narrow DOF and the railing - then they all just took off!

So it was a quick swing around and snap - still at f/1.4 - so I feel lucky to have got anything!

DOF? No doubt a Dodkin Overwatch Ferret, another critter trained to watch your back while your busy looking through the viewfinder. Clever man Chris, clever man.