Landscape lens query (?)

Peter McCullough

Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm picking up a Canon 5D Mk2 body towards the end of July, presently using a 5D Mk1 body.

So looking for an excellent quality wide angle lens for serious landscape photography in the not too distant future. Been looking at the Zeiss 21mm f/2 lens, hmmm quite a large price for this prime, but I appreciate you pay for quality..!

Anything out there by Canon that would come close..? Would the EF 24mm f/1.4 L be decent as a serious landscape lens..?
What about the Voitlander range of glass, are they worth considering also..?

I don't mind if its a prime or short zoom, but I'm after a quality end product.

Appreciate any advice/experience/thoughts, thanks..!

The voigtlander option (20mm) is very small, but that's it's usp, other lenses will be better IQ!
If I were a canon user of buy the 17-40L ... It's rep precedes it!
I have managed to accumulate the 17-35 f2.8L and the 24mm f1.4L :)

17-35mm f/2.8L



This lens has some CA, but this is easily fixed in post processing - I fix it in ACR

It is a zoom, so clearly you can zoom to frame the shot as required

24mm f/1.4L



With the max aperture of f/1.4, you can get in close and get great DOF effects


No zoom, so you have to frame by walking back and forth

But you can't fake narrow DOF, so you either have the wider aperture, or you don't


Can't go wrong with either IMHO - f/1.4 will be more useful for indoor/low light photography outside of landscape work.

24mm f/1.4, 50mm f/1.2 and 85mm f/1.2 are my ideal prime set for Canon.
Nikon FM2n with a 50mm E lens, £1 per roll Agfa vista plus film


You don't always need a wide angle lens when shooting landscape.
chris, gorgeous photos, but i think you meant you have the 16-35mm f/2.8L.

the 16-35mm has better iq than the 17-40mm f/4 L and double the price. but as chris said the wider aperture is crucial if that's what you need from the lens. if i'd kept the canon gear and shot more weddings i would have had the 16-35mm.
Nope - 17-35 f/2.8L


First of the super-wide L lenses produced
sweet! never heard of that one. when did it come out?

When Canon launched the first consumer DSLR (The D30) they suddenly realized that the cropped sensor meant that they didn't have an L wide angle lens!

So they produced the 17-35, which saved the day - April 1996

Man, I can't believe I've owned it that long!
I love my 17-40 canon lens :) not gonna post up any pics, all my recent one were done with it if thats any help
Indeedy - it didn't last too long before the newer models were released