Thanks, Pete. It's ok, not quite what I want it to be, but it's almost there. Struggling to find inspiration at the moment, but I put that down to being obsessed with Bach - he's taking up all my creative energies just now. So, the visual world is taking a back seat. I sent off three black and white medium format films a few days ago, so we'll have to wait and see if there is anything worthwhile in that lot. I 'discovered' a really beautifully neglected Victorian cemetery which has been closed to the public for 50 years or so. Recently opened up, it seems frozen in time. Unfortunately they are forming a group of do-gooders to clear away all the overgrown weeds, straighten the grave stones, tidy, tidy, I only have a short time to capture it all on film. Some of my medium format shots are from there. I took the XE-1 there yesterday, but not one of the 70 shots is worth showing! My fault more that the camera's, I'm sure.