Leica M7 - My 35mmc Review

What a superb article Hamish. Interesting comments about metering too. As you know, I don't use aperture priority much on the M9 (which shares the shutter etc wight the M7) but I do something similar to you. I thens to look at a scene and find somewhere that will give me the correct exposure for the shot, meter and and set the shutter speed / aperture and then frame and shoot. It probably takes me a similar amount of time as you and I would do something similar in A mode.
That's probably what I do most of the time with the M7, but it's those occasions where I just need a little more help from a meter, rather than picking the zone to meter straight from. I suppose it's a confidence thing ... But as I say, if the M7 can give me that confidence, then why worry?!