Leo Carrillo Ranch - Infra Red - X-Pro1

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
I took the X-Pro1 and it's new R72 filter out for a proper outing today, to Leo Carrillo Ranch, Carlsbad.

This is a free public park, in the old ranch owned by Hollywood movie legend, Leo Carrillo. (Pancho from the B&W Cisco Kid series).


The park has some nice old buildings from the ranch, and some lovely trees (important for IR photography).

I used a WB of 2600k and then modified that further to the 'green' end of the spectrum to counteract the red cast from the R72 filter.

ISO was 400, and aperture f8 - self timer at 2 sec to avoid camera shake - sturdy tripod used.


Wooden Bridge to the ranch


Barn and Windmill


Dovecote surrounded by succulents


The old grain store

The color originals have a hot spot in the center with the 18mm lens - not tried the 35mm yet, so can't comment on whether it's a lens or camera feature. When you convert the false color images to B&W, the hot spot is no longer an issue.

Composition via EVF or rear LCD is easy - and the metering on the X-Pro1 got the exposures correct every time.

Post processing was done in Photoshop and Nik Silver FX Pro.
Hey, my brother lives in San Elijo Hills right near there. I drive by here all the time. This is very cool. My favorite is the third shot - dovecoat surrounded by succulents.
I actually love how IR turns blue skys real dark and vegetation white. These are delightful images, Chris. I would have thought the blue sky might have been darker, though, at least based on conventional film IR I've seen before. (But that is no criticism here.)
Thanks Brian - still too much haze I think, never really got properly clear skies

Thanks Darren - You ever been in and looked around?

They do movie nights in the summer - with old re-runs of the Cisco Kid - you can take a picnic and some adult beverages :)