I use this Sekonic meter when shooting the Fuji GX680III (above).
The Sekonic will deliver Reflective, Incident and Spot readings. With LF and digital post processing ... you can probably get away with the Sunny 16 Rule and not need a light meter. Again, if you want to get it Right In The Camera with minimal post processing ... you'll want a meter. (You can use the meter in the cameras you already own ... they will be spot-on with a Gray Card.)
I have a really solid 2nd tripod made by Ravelli.
I put the body on it this evening and ran through all of the movements. Once I get the lens I'll take it outside and practice swing and tilt focus. I still need to pick up some film holders. Adorama has the Toyo holders new in stock. My lens seems to be on a slow boat due to arrive sometime next week.
That looks reasonably hefty ... the feet look a bit on the scrawny side. I'd check the weight limit of the tripod against the Toyo. To be overly cautious, I'd keep those adjustable feet tuck-up on uneven terrain. The head ... mmmhhh dunno ...