
Brian Moore

Huntington Beach Public Library.

Olympus XA and expired Fomapan 100 film processed in Rodinal.

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Nice shot and great location for a library. I'm sure you've posted a few closer in shots, is this the library with a pond underneath around the pillars?
Beautiful comp, Brian, and really nice blacks. Looks a nice area.

Thanks, Rob. It's a very nice setting where the library is.

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Cool shot Brian. Brings back the 60/70's.

Thanks, Glenn. I believe 1972 is when it was completed. Designed by the Richard Neutra firm. Richard Neutra himself died shortly after the city contracted him to do the work. It was completed under the direction of his son, Dion Neutra. Our own Darren Bradley is much more knowledgable about Neutra and and the other icons of mid-century architectural design but suffice to say that Neutra was right up there in status with the best of them. We have quite a few Neutra buildings in Southern California. I feel we're fortunate to have this one here in Huntington Beach. Thanks again, Glenn.

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Nice shot and great location for a library. I'm sure you've posted a few closer in shots, is this the library with a pond underneath around the pillars?

Thanks, Julian. There is indeed a pond. And you're right,...I've posted quite a few images of the library here on RPF, but they were all close up or interior images. Thanks again. Julian.
Have you upped you scanning quality Brian?

Same scanner, Hamish. And in fact I shot this image a good year ago or so and scanned it then. However, before posting this one to RPF I did a wee adjustment or two in Ps. (Exposure or Gamma or something like that.) Maye that is what you're noticing?

Anyway, thanks Hamish. Must go play with me new toy now: A Yashica 635. Just picked it up a wee while ago.:cool: (SWMBO is blissfully unaware and must remain so. :cool:)
and how many beers is it worth for us to keep your little secret from her? :D wonderful tones, i like the texture from the film in the sky.

Must say I'm not a big fan of blackmail (when I'm on the receiving end). However, since beer is the demanded currency I completely understand. I'll share an IPA with you, Beth! (Camera count must remain Top Secret.);)

We had dinner with friends the other night and discussion came up about the quantity of cameras I own. Speculation was rife. The number 60 was postulated by my elder daughter. Murmerings of general agreement and acknowledgement followed from my brood, whilst the others audibly gasped. I kept silent,...comfortable and happy in the knowledge that they don't know.

Thanks for the comments, Beth!
Yes you have scored! Deservedly so! Walk proudly Beth! :)

i take it your daughters weren't very good at the "guess the number of candies in the jar" contests

As to the camera count, her credit Caiti (my eldest) went about it more scientifically than that. About a year ago she and her mother went on a camera hunt in order to ascertain how many I own. She discovered 40 (and proudly proclaimed it!). Considering that 40 were known, she added another 20 for good measure that she speculated would have likely been acquired in the year or so that has elapsed. It is this kind of critical thinking that has propelled her into grad school.

Unfortunately for her (and SWMBO), her initial count was off (by a large margin) and so too was her for-good-measure count.:)

Suffice to say the reason for the miscalculation is more to do with my powers of deceit than any mere game of guessing. :cool:
A man after my own heart Brian - my 'closet of magic' conceals many many cameras, which have yet to officially see the light of day.

When they do, and I'm asked 'is this new'

I will truthfully say that 'I've had it for ages'.... :D :D :D

Son #1 is more perceptive and has nearly blown my cover on a number of occasions - I had to have a quiet word in his shell-like! :D
As Rob says, a very nice composition Brian. I like it.

As for numbers of cameras. I can quite honestly say I have absolutely no idea how many I own! And as for lenses... Luckily, Ina couldn't care less. However, my store room in the studio in Germany is getting rather full of dresses and shoes! :mad: But there is always the UK (although the mezzanine in the imaging suite is getting rather full! When I get back I'm going to buy a tall display cabinet for our meeting room at work to display the complete set of Nikon Fs! :)
However, my store room in the studio in Germany is getting rather full of dresses and shoes!

Women,...and the stuff they buy! It is nothing short of confounding!

(If you need to make room for more of Ina's stuff--which I think would be a gentlemanly gesture and would offer up proof to your lady of your worth as a man and a husband--I, as proof of my friendship to you as well as the bond of pure and unadulterated masculinity we share as true men, hereby offer you space, free of charge, for your displaced photographic equipment. It will be safe here in America with me, Pete, and you need only cover the shipping charges. Well,....maybe we could work something out on the latter clause.;))
I've started to box up a couple of 10x8s a few technical cameras etc. I'm sure you'll be able to hide them somewhere without problems. Do you have a large attic?! ;)

I don't actually have an attic. (Mine's a flat-roofed house.) But as I mentioned earlier, I am adept at the art of hiding camera equipment in plain site.:) But, since technical photography is your bread and butter, you better keep the technical cameras. Send me the 35mm and MF user cameras. (Otherwise the deal's off!:mad:)