Life is sad at times.

Ivar Dahl-Larsen

Well-Known Member
I may add, that this image may call for a smile, but there is nothing to smile about. It is serious enough. But life without smiles is no life.
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Medical Examinations regarding earlier treatment whereas results cannot be revealed due to the patient. I am sorry Gary. Thank you for your concern.
whereas results cannot be revealed
Well, I wasn't asking for results.

It seems odd that you'd post a photograph and be unwilling to state what is being depicted.

Perhaps it is a pressure test as there appears to be a device with a sensor being applied to a nose.
Since I am a Norseman by birth, unless they lied to me, I have problems at times understanding other ethnic groups of people, no particular ethnicity was mentioned😇 I can truly say that I have first-hand experience on the matter. :rolleyes: Since the results in this case are irrelevant, I must admit that I did not understand your question, Gary. A medical examination is going on whereas an endoscope is being inserted through her nose and down into her throat, as the image depicts. I am truly sorry that I took for granted what to me is obvious. I see that it is not as obvious as I thought. My apologies.:oops:
Thanks for the clarification Ivar. I'm not sure what ethnicity has to do with anything. I didn't ask for results. I was unfamiliar with the endoscope going in through the nose. Having had my share of colonoscopies, I'm familiar with them going in the other end although I've not truly been "awake" for those (they say that I was but that their drugs make me forget).
Gary, the ethnicity was a joke on my part as we all originate from different parts in the world and since I am a Norwegian, I am not able to understand how everyone sees things or mean, and as I am also married to a none Norwegian, I have first-hand experience regarding this matter. So that was a silly joke, since I did not understand at first what you meant. My humble apology and my good Lady telles me relentless, that I joke too much. I know someone on this forum who may think as my wife.
And I should stop thinking that they understand my jokes. I always have wondered why?
I have been through nasal endoscopies and I can vouch that at least for me it was not a good experience, all the more so because I have a severely deviated nasal septum and any rigid, straight instrument when it has to go through there breaks a few small bones without a second thought.
I have been through nasal endoscopies and I can vouch that at least for me it was not a good experience, all the more so because I have a severely deviated nasal septum and any rigid, straight instrument when it has to go through there breaks a few small bones without a second thought.
I am sorry to see that Gianluca. I know what my wife is going through these days.