Brian Moore

Cattermole that is,...when he was a kid just learning to write on camera with light.
While testing my Kodak Vigilant 620 a few days ago I came across this fellow sitting on a bench playing a mandolin. He was good! He asked me about the camera--as I hoped he would because I wanted to know more about him and, more to the point, take his picture. (A pre-WWII camera can be a good ice breaker.)
He introduced himself as ****. "**** Deluxe,...look me up on the web!"
So I did,...and there he was. He plays gigs locally. Usually guitar, although mandolin upon occasion.
I spent a pleasant few minutes with **** Deluxe as he practiced his mandolin music and we talked about music and old cameras. We were chums for a little while. Finally I asked **** if I could take his picture and he graciously consented. Alas, the camera wasn't up to the challenge, as you can see.
As its name suggests, the Vigilant 620 was designed to take 620 film. However, 620 is the same size as 120, it's just on a smaller diameter spool. So I took some 120 into the changing bag and wound it on to a 620 spool. It all went remarkably smoothly. (Until I developed the images.)
I processed the roll (Arista EDU Ultra 100 from Freestyle--which is actually Fomapan) for 7 minutes in Rodinal (R09 One Shot) diluted 1:50.
I serve this image up merely as a curiosity for those of you who work in the digital dark room as opposed to being under the dark cloth.
Note: The asterisks above were not placed there by me. The system censored me automatically. The asterisks obscure the diminutive of "Richard".
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