I'm OK, Hamish.
I did think seriously about leaving the forum. I do have a sense of how things operate her. People are among friends with similar ideas and approaches to the etiquette that has established itself over the years. It's a similar situation on all of the forums I have visited. It is a popular and effective way for people to share their images and ideas as well as learning from each other and keeping up with the changing technology. I wouldn't like to guess how many such forums exist and, by the way, make claim to being different to any other.
In another time, before www, people had other means of networking. Reading mags and books, meeting and greeting, clubs and pubs, a casual chat at a gallery or sale, a wander through someone's house filled with images, the dreaded slide night, the family albums and a few post cards from afar being some of the methods used. I was part of all that, as I imaging most people here were as well. It was the foundation for us all. It was among the reasons why we take photos; that little tingle we all get when we do something that pleases someone else. Like our photo; like ourselves. We do the same thing with out dress, houses, cars, hairstyle and vocabulary. Where would we be without a pat on the back from time to time.
In addition to this feel good sensation, I and many others, including some from this forum I'm sure, discovered other levels in photography. Interests and ideas that developed a new and exciting aspect of photography and photographs that stretch the imagination, expand our understanding of not only photography but of the world in general and the photographer at large. Among these people we will find names like Adams, Sontag, Barthes, Szarkowski, Hirsch, and Bunnell. These people took photographs just like you and I. They shared them with others just like you and I. They liked to be liked and they liked their photos to be liked, I'm sure. A few might have made a sale or two. But that's not where it stopped for them. They talked about photography. Endlessly. They discovered that ideas could be stretched, new ideas developed and tested, and along the way they learnt a new way of enjoying their hobby. And, yes, in each case photography was a hobby; no more, no less. They were part of a forum as well. They wrote letters to their friends. I have read many of these letters. What wonderful things they wrote. They joked and liked and laughed and shared a tear at the frustrations of their chosen pastime. They talked gear and places and people and exhibitions and all the other things common to us and of interest to us.
Then they went beyond that and discovered other beauty in photographs. It was what some of them called 'Truth'. Now, they didn't sit back and say to themselves 'we've found this new and exciting thing about photography but we won't tell anyone'. No indeed. They told their friends. Now, I'm sure some of their friends thought 'what a bore. I just want to play. Get the slide projector out and see if you like any of these.'
So, what did the likes of these idealists do? They continued to de what they always did. They took photos of their kids and dogs and a can of beans and an apple close up and a crack in the wall or a mate on a fishing trip. They joked and laughter with the rest. And you know why? Because they saw that the likes of this forum is the foundation of what they had developed; a philosophy of photography that had never existed before.
That philosophy still continues to grow. It's as a result of the foundation work that this and other forums do; create an initial and continuing interest in an amazing process.
I'm at the end of my time. I have experienced a great deal in that time. I wanted to share that experience and possibly show others where it can take them. Yes, I am an educator. Yes I am passionate about what I do, just as each and every one of you are. I also take photographs for pleasure. I am also a sarcastic old bastard who loves goading people and turning the tables on a conversation just to get a reaction. I'm a big fat liar and have a foul vocabulary. I tease my grandchildren and hate cats. I don't drink because I drink too much for my own good and I wish I was 40 years younger. I like all photographs. I love my wife, Christine. Apparently I don't tell her that often enough. My excuse is I don't have to; I'd prefer to talk to her, not about her or tell her the bleeding obvious. She has learnt to accept that - for the time being.
So like away. I'm with you. I'm just opening up another pathway for those who want to see what's there. If it gets to the point your jack of me, tell me to fuck off. People usually do.