Local Flora

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Quick tour round the front and back yard yesterday with the 50mm f1.2 lens

They make a great set, would look nice in a frame on the wall.
I do like the way these are presented...
I must take a look through my back catalogue and see what might lend it self to doing something similar.

It might make am interesting challenge to come up with a set rather than a single image....to see if people can break out of the habit of seeing just one image at a time.
Wow!! KrispHey!!
Liking the way you've displayed! Great idea exploited on your very own doorstep.
That's an interesting idea Adrian!!
Worth thinking on that!

A nice set!
I like the less obvious focus of the one top right! They really work a a set eh
Thanks Hamish - that top right one is actually a cone shaped bloom - with lots of mini flowers around the edge


I used the narrow DOF to pick out the flowers in the square crop shot - from a top down view
Far more versatile than I thought, DB.

I'm loving the bokeh, but am also blown away by the colour I get from it.