London street

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
A few street shots in London this afternoon. Hope you find them interesting.

I attempted to mimic Kai W's (DigitRevTV) street style by shooting people in their faces. I lack the required social skills and underestimated the hostility of people in London. Managed to attract hostile stares from 3 tough guys simultaneously... ;)

Travel back in time

Cool hairdo


ps. These aren't exactly sharp, I am still figuring out how best to use the X100 in various situations.
brilliants set though Jim & well done for being brave , I am loving the suits and bowler hats, very old skool London.

These are very much Kai style, i love watching his vids, in most case not to serious style & views of photography

B@lls of steel Jim - so were you shooting looking through the viewfinder?

The B&W one is excellent - tells a story
No, I have been using EVF almost exclusively now. :)

I think it helps me to look more touristy like, and EVF happens to work a lot better than OVF...