Nice shots, Jim. I think my fav is #1 followed by #2 then #3.
Nice background in #1 & I like the way the background ties in with the man. The area looks a little deppressed with the tag style graffiti & that's echoed in the mans body language & slightly bowed head looking at the floor.
#2 is nicely timed to get the bang effect with the sign (an half image may-be?). Again I like the background too, nice shop front & a lovely reflection. It works well, but maybe a step or two back if possible might of been better for the effect, that said I don't know what's either side in the background.
#3 I really like the movement you've captured with the ipod headphone cable & the ladies hair. The bench & wall gives a nice line of direction too, sort of helps to draw her that way. Again may-be a step or two back might of worked better. Lovely shot though.
Perhaps, I'm just reading into your images what I'm thinking with mine atm. In that up close sometimes works really well with portraits, but perhaps a bit further back for the more street type stuff to add a little more story. I think that's why I prefer #1 in your set.
Very nice work though, Jim.