Critique Welcomed London street

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
A few recent shots. I would love to have some feedback regarding whether or not you like them (and it would be super if you could say a little on why, too).

Thanks for looking :)




Nice shots, Jim. I think my fav is #1 followed by #2 then #3.

Nice background in #1 & I like the way the background ties in with the man. The area looks a little deppressed with the tag style graffiti & that's echoed in the mans body language & slightly bowed head looking at the floor.

#2 is nicely timed to get the bang effect with the sign (an half image may-be?). Again I like the background too, nice shop front & a lovely reflection. It works well, but maybe a step or two back if possible might of been better for the effect, that said I don't know what's either side in the background.

#3 I really like the movement you've captured with the ipod headphone cable & the ladies hair. The bench & wall gives a nice line of direction too, sort of helps to draw her that way. Again may-be a step or two back might of worked better. Lovely shot though.

Perhaps, I'm just reading into your images what I'm thinking with mine atm. In that up close sometimes works really well with portraits, but perhaps a bit further back for the more street type stuff to add a little more story. I think that's why I prefer #1 in your set.

Very nice work though, Jim.
I wasn't liking the first until I noticed the guy could have been the model for the drawn guy behind him. Not sure about the other two, I think because we don't see their faces, so the shot looks a bit sneaky. Well, you did ask ;-) I've seen better from you.
Thanks Alfie for the feedback :)

It is interesting that you mentioned about stepping back. All these pics are cropped, I have the habit of filling up the frame with my intended subjects. Perhaps sometimes I've gone too far.
I wasn't liking the first until I noticed the guy could have been the model for the drawn guy behind him. Not sure about the other two, I think because we don't see their faces, so the shot looks a bit sneaky. Well, you did ask ;-) I've seen better from you.

Cheers Rob and thanks for the comments!

I agree with you that #2 & 3 could be stronger if they show the faces. I am also glad to learn that these pics aren't the only examples of the top of my photography work. ;)
I like #1 for the way the guy and the art behind him are at t=almost the exact same posture.

I like #2 because the guy's head is exploding.

I like #3 for the movement shown throw the earphone wire.

Very nice all three, Jim.
Ok, i am going to read other's comments after i have commented here Jim.

I like No 1 alot, BW suits it & so does the graffiti wall to the rear, true urban street shot of a chap going about his daily business IMO

No 2 & 3 i would much prefer if taken from the front view or when the subjects were looking your way, not necessarily at you

The jogger shot kinds of looks like an after thought as she has passed you. They are classic back of the head shots. Sorry to be so blunt but you did ask :-)

Thanks Darren, your (and others') critiques are exactly the type of comments I welcome :).

I am happy with how #1 worked out, however, I did have to crop a lot since I was all the way across the other side of the road when the scene happened. I would prefer it if I were closer.

I fully agree with the comments about back of the head in #3. I didn't see her coming (my eyes are usually facing front ;)) until after she ran passed me... I do wonder about if I did take the shot from the front, would I be able to capture the floating head phone cable and her hair?

With #2, I guess I was going after mimicking the effect of his head hitting a hard surface (rather than exploding). But now I do see if I want exploding head, it would work better if he is looking my way. :)
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I can't believe I forgot to write how in image #1 the man mimics the graffiti!

I'm not so sure I agree with Darrens "classic back of the head shots"! I think both the images works because they are captured from the angles that they are. I not sure how #2 would of worked from a different angle.

I think back shots can really work well, they perhaps need a little more thought over composition than a front view.

The front vs back debate is thought provoking, it certainly adds more dimensions to think about when I make photos.

Thanks Alfie for raising the point :).