Lonely Rocker

Brian Moore

Side-to-side she rocked alone,
All the while her ear to the phone.

Superheadz Blue Ribbon toy camera and Tri-X 400 film which I processed in Rodinal.

She was probably reporting the sloping horizon! ;) I love the grain in this and the way it has made the ships etc on the horizon slightly indistinct. Another masterpiece in desolation! Must be the time of year!
LOL. I could kick myself for that sloping horizon, Pete. I could have fixed it but couldn't be bothered. Thanks for the comments, Pete. :)
Simplistic yet very effective!
Trust Pete to mention about sloping horizons! :D:D
Nice photo. My first XA (the 2) is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I may be picking your brain on this developing thing.

I think it's Ted Nugent metaphorically trying to hold back the tide of liberal, unpatriotic, gun hating, vegetarians who are trying to destroy this great nation........... Note the horizon is sloping downward to the left. Down into communist/socialist Hell that these Un-American tofu eating surrender monkeys are trying to drag us.
Brian often incorporates deep philosophical meanings into his images.


Typical California Hollywood left winger commentary on the nature of capitalism. Note the grainy image quality, the stark contrast, the canted angles, and faceless money barons framed by the "French doors lurking in the background. Us real Americans know the agenda behind this kind of so called artsy commentary; to drag us down into the socialist burning pit of Hell that is found in places like Sweden and Norway. Next thing you know people like Brian are all going to want us to learn another language besides American, some kind of foreign mumbo jumbo...probably French....
I can't believe that no-one, NO-ONE, has noted the OBVIOUS teleportation beam just to her right!

The spaceships cloaking shield probably pulled Brian's horizon out of kilter...

Nicely captured Brian :)
Nicely spotted, Chris. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to notice it and to offer a logical (and accurate) explanation for the sloping horizon. (However,...if anyone were to notice,...no surprise at all that it was you, considering your extraterrestrial proclivities. ;))