Lords and Ladies...

What a striking image of this woodland plant. And a great idea to capture the light diffusing through the hood. I like fine texture this reveals and the way it lights the spadix - like a miniature light tent. Wonderful image.

Paul, I am sure you have seen this plant before but maybe not the flowers - look it up and you will surely recognise the clusters of orange fruits.
Paul and Pete, thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting!

Paul, I think this plant is rather abundant in the English countryside......
Lovely shot!
I like how the lighter green is echoed in the oof areas
It's also framed by te forgeound nicely!
Int it funny how a seemingly simple shot of a plant can have so many elements that add up to such an aesthetically pleasing image...
Is this the Helios again is somehow has that feel I recognise from your past Helios shots ... But maybe I'm just recognising your process?? It might be a bit sharp for Helios too??
Lovely shot!
I like how the lighter green is echoed in the oof areas
It's also framed by te forgeound nicely!
Int it funny how a seemingly simple shot of a plant can have so many elements that add up to such an aesthetically pleasing image...
Is this the Helios again is somehow has that feel I recognise from your past Helios shots ... But maybe I'm just recognising your process?? It might be a bit sharp for Helios too??

Thanks Hamish... Yes, it is the Helios 44K-4, at f/2 or f/2.8....
That's a lovely image! It's seems quite a bit sharper than anything I've managed to get out of the Helios yet, more practice needed here I think. It does seem to have a way with colour depth that I like though.
That's a lovely image! It's seems quite a bit sharper than anything I've managed to get out of the Helios yet, more practice needed here I think. It does seem to have a way with colour depth that I like though.

Thank you Alfie! I see you have exactly the same version as I used for this photo!
Do you use a split prism screen in your K-5, of do you have the original focussing screen? I had a split prism in my K20d, and with that one I learned focussing, I guess....
Hi Rense,

It was some of your lovely images here & Hamish's praise of the Helios, & of course the cheap price, that led to me finding a copy of the 44K. I'm still using the original focussing screen with the 44K. The Helios & a Pentax-A 50mm are my first manual focus lenes so I am still very much a learner with them. I will have a look into a split prism screen, not really sure what one even is atm though... Thanks for the advice & keep up the great images!

Edit: Thanks for the link, Hamish.
Alfie, I don't know about the K-5 - you'll have to get into that - but on the K20d the split prism screens caused some trouble with the centre exposure measurement. I learned to work around, but it is a pain in the *ss anyhow... But I've read somewhere that on the K-7 - and I guess the same holds for the K-5 then - this problem is not existing...
Thanks Rense. I will have a good read around the web bafore even thinking of making a purchase, but after reading a little on Hamish's link the Katzeye looks very good.

I now remember my Fathers old Werra(?) film camera had a bar across the centre of the view finder that you had to line up to focus, I suspect this is the same split prism type screen.
Thanks Rense. I will have a good read around the web bafore even thinking of making a purchase, but after reading a little on Hamish's link the Katzeye looks very good.

I now remember my Fathers old Werra(?) film camera had a bar across the centre of the view finder that you had to line up to focus, I suspect this is the same split prism type screen.

Exactly! It helped me a lot with for instance macro photography!