Critique Welcomed Lost in Stockholm

Steve Dormer

Well-Known Member
Hi All

I am new to the forum and looking forward to sharing images and viewing more of the great work I have already seen.

Here is an image taken very recently in Stockholm and is part of a series of images I am producing titled "Lost In" various cities and towns. The idea is for me to wonder away from the main crowds and see what I can find. This one is called "Lost in Stockholm" and follows a theme of processing images in HDR and adding a photo artistry effect to create a painterly effect. Your critique is very welcome.

Lost in Scokholm by stevedormerphotography, on Flickr
Loving the warm colors Steve - wonderful looking location

Do you shoot multiple bracketed frames, or produce the HDR image from a single frame?
Interesting stuff, there Steve. Personally I'm not a huge fan of HDR-ish stuff. Nevertheless, I'm curious to know the answer to Chris's question.

Also,...I'd like to see the original pre-HDR picture, if you feel inclined to post it.
Lovely colours ...
I also struggle a little with hdr but this does seem to work...
Where I struggle with it is where it distracts the eye from a focal point, but this works as the eye is naturally lead down the path!
My only comment would be to perhaps not have the same effect on the frame
Regardless of effects etc the compo is very nice!!

Many thanks for the feed back.

Interesting question Chris has asked. Because this picture started life as three images +1 0 -1 but for some reason I was not happy with the result. For some reason I thought I would try again with tone mapping a single image and this is what I ended up with. Happy to post the original untouched image below.

i'm not a hdr fan either (or digital frames for that matter), but this looks more like a painting than hdr to me. possibly something van gogh inspired with that bright yellow wall...or maybe that's to do with watching doctor who all night last night... nice work.