Lost in the Music...

in the T-Bahn in Stockholm.


Ricoh GR. PP in LR, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
Lots of bits to look at there - the square on the floor in the foreground, the car, the triptych, the reds and the greens, the feathered ceiling, and then there is the girl, floating in her own world. Great stuff.
Thanks all. I'd been standing there for a bit waiting for the flow of passengers to stop. Then she came down the escalator separated from the others. I liked the match of her skirt with the poster and took a shot as she reached the bottom of the escalator. I expected her to then look up but she seemed to be in a world of her own and so I took this one a few seconds later.
I was going to suggest a square crop for old time's sake, but actually I like the full frame :D
Thanks Beth. I did play around with the LH side and tried to get closer to the poster but then I ended up with an irritatingly narrow light. I'll have another play though as I could crop to the the of the 3 posters. I suspect the 'grain' will become too intrusive though.