Lovers Framed

Brian Moore


Took this today on Signal Hill with my latest acquisition, a(nuther) Canon T50. (Now I have 3 T50s.) Anyway, shot a test roll just to see if the camera worked OK. Used a 50mm Canon FD lens and "Memories" brand 200 ASA film (which is actually Fuji re-branded).

The idea of that "window" there is that if you stand on a particular spot it frames the Port of Los Angeles and beyond that Catalina Island (on days when its visible.) There are two other such windows in this delightful little park, that frames Huntington Beach and the South Coast, and another that frames Malibu area and the northern direction of the coastline.
What a great shot Brian. I especially like the 3 rectangles (4 really I suppose; frames and the two plaques). And it's that bloke in a hat again! I suspect he's from the FBI special unit on alien invaders keep an eye on you!! That;s why he looks like a character out of a '50s science fiction film!! ;)
The Shadow gets around, don't he Pete? I believe it's no coincidence. I believe he is Klaatu. ;)
3 rectangles (4 really I suppose;
I think you are referring to the imprints on that wall opposite Klaatu on the other side of the "window"? That pattern of rectangles is intended to represent the shadow of an oil derrick. Signal Hill was once covered in a forrest of oils derricks.. A lot of oil pumps still remain (but no derricks any more). Did you ever see the film, "There Will Be Blood", with Daniel Day Lewis? If you have you'll know that film is about the birth of the oil industry here in California. Signal Hill is featured in that film as a place where some of the action happens. Anyway, thank your comments, Pete.

Also Pete, thank you for your response to Rob. I was momentarily so stunned by his question my fingers could barely find the keyboard let alone respond.

I've recovered a little now, though.

Rob,...thanks for your comment about the shot. As to your question, the answer is I don't need 3 T50s. I also don't need 2 Vivitar PN2011s, 3 Yashica Electro 35s, 4 Brownie Hawkeye Flash Models, or 9 (it may be 10 now, I should do another count) Polaroid Automatic Land Cameras. (Funny, though, I find I DO need only one digital camera.;)) I'm my wife's worst nightmare: A Luddite Hoarder. :D
Luddites Eh?! Hmm, interesting. Not got any of those yet - better have look on eBay!
Good idea, Pete! I'd recommend the highly-regarded Aspherical f0.50 300mm Luddite. You can't go wrong with one of them!;)
Nicely observed Brian - are these windows located in the park on the Hill?

I didn't see them when I visited, looking for the oil workers statue - but then I didn't go down into that park...

You ready for the biblical flood and arctic gales this weekend? :(
Thanks Chris. Yes, in the park at the top of the hill. (The park is higher up than the little area where the oil worker statue stands.)

No,...not ready for the winter blizzard they're threatening this weekend. My roof has a small leak I think. :(