low tide - last one

Beth Carter

Well-Known Member
i saw that we finally had some clouds and left work as soon as the morning briefing ended. not including tonight i've got 2 more nights of midnight shift left and then that'll be it for early morning photography ops for awhile. same place as the previous, mainly because it's the only area on the road wide enough to pull over and stop. pull off anywhere else and you'll need a tow truck to get you out of the muck.

x-pro 1 and voigtlander 12mm
handheld, couldn't get the tripod any lower cause the legs go out too far so ditched it
1/30s, f/16, iso 400
Now that was worth persisting with. And what a difference those clouds made especially as you knew exactly what you wanted. That is of course the whole thing isn't it. The photograph should be in your head before you press the shutter! And it clearly was. Which 12mm do you have?

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Forgot to add that I really like this shot. The balance of light etc really works well. Is that a knot in the grass?
thanks pete. i was hoping the shot on my camera would turn out close to what i wanted, and for once it worked.

i'm not the expert or anything, but the grass is tied with a string that, i think, occasionally features a chicken neck on the other end and is used for crabbing.

the offical name for the lens is the voigtlander ultra wide-heliar 12mm f/5.6 aspherical m mount lens, but i call it ted.
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