Macro Quiz.

Glen Roberts

Well-Known Member
When we have big family get togethers we often make up quizzes to show how thick we are after a few beers:eek:.
So when I got my Macro lens I decided to make a Macro picture quizz for a change.
Most were guessed pretty quick but a couple had people scratching their heads:confused:;).

Just a bit of fun, how many can you get?



11. Cassette Tape ?
12. Scissors
10. Ball Point Pen
9. Shoelace
Well done Ralph you got them four right.

Numbers 1,3,6 &7 are the ones the family struggled with.
Ok I'll tell you the answers ;).

1. Die 2. 5p coin 3. Harmonica 4. Junior Hacksaw

5.Light Bulb 6. Paper Clip 7. Pea 8. Razor Blade

9. Boot Lace 10. Ballpoint Pen 11. Cassette Tape 12. Nail Scissors.

Now did everyone enjoy that ...... lol.
It was very interesting and I enjoyed it. Would love to try more especially with various themes.
I've been looking at a few things around the house to do another one for the family, if I do I'll try it out on all of you first.