Critique Welcomed Mad Accord

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o_O @Glenn Clabo...I presume you got this message when you tried to see the picture? Maybe it was due to the picture hosting site being down. Would you mind leeting me know if you can see it now? Thanks Glenn!
Nicely done! I drive an Accord - but it's not as posh as this one :)
Mmmm ultra wide goodness - that's a sharp looking ride there Brian - lovely shot
I'm on my third accord. This one is a 2005 2.2 CDTi Tourer. The missus drives a Jazz :)
:)Deep down I always knew there was something about you I liked, Dave.:p :D And I like your missus too now.;) In all seriousness, though, it's always great to hear about people buying our product and better yet, buying them again. Thanks Dave! :)
I love the effect with Rodinal (never heard of this before) - the car looks fantastic....I cannot put my finger on why it looks so good, but the overall appearance is just so unique.
I love the effect with Rodinal (never heard of this before) - the car looks fantastic....I cannot put my finger on why it looks so good, but the overall appearance is just so unique.
Thank you very much, @Shane Johns.

Rodinal is one of the oldest developers. I think the chemistry dates from the 1870s or something like that. I believe it was made by AGFA, but today I do not think AGFA makes it. The formula is now made by other companies. Mine is sold under the name "R09 One-Shot." But it is the Rodinal formula. I can get the name of the company that makes it and send that to you if you like. I like Rodinal because is it is inexpensive, it comes in a concentrate so I just mix what I need for the batch I am developing, and it lasts for a long long time on the shelf. Thanks again, Shane.
Very nice but, have you ever considered pot plants like everyone else in the foyer! :rolleyes:
Thanks, Pete. Someone mentioned the potted plants in one of my previous images from the lobby so before I took this picture I contacted our maintenance folks and had them remove all potted plants from the building lest one be accidentally captured in an image of mine. Now you're saying you want them back in...? Fickle RPFr! ;)