Critique Required Marina Bridge

Darren Turner


Fuji X10
Not much to say other than wonderful stuff!
It's a nice shot and I think I see what you are trying to do, because placing the bridge dead center across the middle emphasizes the symmetry of the reflection. I also like the contrast between the buildings on the one side and the nature on the other. I'm guessing you shot this hand-held because it was an X10. But since you did ask for criticism, I'll be nitpicky with you :)

It looks to my eye that the horizon isn't completely straight. the bridge and the buildings appear to be leaning to the right, slightly. That throws off the balance a bit. When you're aiming for complete symmetry and you miss, it stands out more, maybe. Also, the trail in the water on the lower right is a bit distracting. I would have waited until the boat (or bird?) passed completely and the water settled down a bit more.
I'm not sure the tower of the bridge dead centre was the ideal compo but I think it's workable
Is this 4:3 (if it's straight out the x10 it is)... It's an aspect ratio that I think you have to be careful with, a bit like 10:8 sometimes it's just not wide enough to look right with some shots!
Try cropping to the more standard 3:2 (6:4) ratio ... I think you will be supprised how much better it looks
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I didn't really want to get the bridge dead centre, but i like the idea of showing parkland to the left & a bit of town to the right so couldn't really be helped.

Thanks Darren, i agree with what you have said completley, As for Hamish i haven a clue what your on about :D I dont understand Aspect Ration one bit haha

Your X10 natively takes 4:3 photos - most compact cameras do, as do olympus slr's (4/3rds) and all of the Micro 4/3rds system cameras (old tvs were also this format)


DSLRs mostly have 6:4 / 3:2 native ratio - this comes from 35mm film which is also this shape ... or at least cropped to this when printed


then we have 16:9 like most tvs these days


and 1:1 ... otherwise known as askew-vision


6:4 could be called 3:2 or 12:8 or 48:32 if you liked ...
if it makes more sense to write it like 6x4 you can do ... think of it in centimetres if you like if the long edge was 6cm the short edge would be 4cm
Above all I'd like to get back to the fact that this is
a great shot. I do have to agree with Hamish about the aspect ratio.
It seems the land to the left and buildings to the right along with
the clouds and their reflection would lend themselves better if
the image was enlongated more horizontally relative to it's vertical
( 3:2 aspect ratio ). Again, this is really nit picking a great capture.