Marumi +5 On Dp3 Merrill

Yes. I've never really done macro work (not liking wee beasties very much!) but good to know it is a possibility.

Ahem, shurely shome mishtake? Should it not be

"Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie (s)"

I wish you would stop posting images from the Merrills. You would be doing my bank balance and my nether regions a great service!

Fantastic results on that link and what an excellent site. I have Marumi lens protectors on most of my cameras and have have never noticed them which speaks volumes for their optical quality.
I know, you know, both my Rottweilers know and even my cat knows. But the COS she say's NO.

It's not even a delicate 'No' with the rolling eyes, that even a thicky like me can interpret at a thousand paces as to really mean, " Oh go on then, you don't get much in life, treat yourself."

It's that sort of 'No' that precedes a very long spell on the Naughty Step.

I have crossed the Taliban and survived, but crossing the one I love is an altogether different ball game and one which...........will require phoning SRS or Clifton from inside a box inside my workshop after bribing my neighbour to accept a parcel wrapped in brown paper marked "For the Coward of the County Only".:)
Chief of Staff. But the end result, like you say, is much the same.

There are reputedly three things that can be seen from Outer Space;

The Great Wall of China, the gap on early Range Rover doors and the Big Yellow Stripe that runs north to south on my back.