Chris Dodkin
West Coast Correspondent
Went back to the Carlsbad tide pools today, in search of any starfish who survived yesterday's in-rush of curious kids!
It was late afternoon, the sun was low, and the lighting was gorgeous.
Reflection on a man texting
Family at the beach
Ripples in the sand
Distant lovers
Calm Pools
Rocky Reef
Closer Inspection
Childhood Freedom
Father and Son
Family Photo-shoot
House with a HUGE chimney!
The illusive Starfish
All shots Canon 5D2 and 85mm f1.2 lens.
It was late afternoon, the sun was low, and the lighting was gorgeous.

Reflection on a man texting
Family at the beach
Ripples in the sand
Distant lovers
Calm Pools
Rocky Reef
Closer Inspection
Childhood Freedom
Father and Son
Family Photo-shoot
House with a HUGE chimney!
The illusive Starfish
All shots Canon 5D2 and 85mm f1.2 lens.