Modern Romance

Brian Moore


Huntington Beach California, on the evening of St. Valentine's Day, 2012.

Canon 7D. No post processing ('cause I don't know how).

GR8 :)
Thank very much, Pete.

What a society with live in, Eh?!
Yes,...I was thinking the other day how much reading and direct interaction with human beings--i.e., conversation--I had missed out on over the years due to the compulsive laziness to which I have succumbed as a result of new-fangled devices such as the telly, the computer or the smart phone. I'm not as bad as some,...but it's sad nonetheless.

Thanks again, Pete.
Thank very much, Pete.

Yes,...I was thinking the other day how much reading and direct interaction with human beings--i.e., conversation--I had missed out on over the years due to the compulsive laziness to which I have succumbed as a result of new-fangled devices such as the telly, the computer or the smart phone. I'm not as bad as some,...but it's sad nonetheless.

Thanks again, Pete.

i'm the same Brian, i'd much rather text or email than actually speak to people but then i am famously anti-social :D
I think I must be a bit of a dinosaur! I don't have a TV, I very often phone someone in response to an email and thoroughly enjoy one-on-one conversations. And I don't have a smart-phone (and hardy use the dumb one that I have) and I like my books to be made of paper! ;)
I think real conversation is seriously underrated these days. I can't stand the fact that everyone seems to want to do business over emails and can't get off the phone quick enough. Books are good too, I often wow the young lads in work with information that has been found in books. I usually like to do it only after they have spent ages searching the internet first!
Its in colour !!
LOL Allan. Yes, from time-to-time a color fotie. :p Thanks for the comment.

i'd much rather text or email than actually speak to people
Me too Davie! (So perhaps that makes me anti-social as well.)

I think I must be a bit of a dinosaur!
I agree with you Pete! :D (But I prefer paper books also, so I guess I am a dinosaur, too. Unlike you, however, it appears I may be an anti-social one.;))
I like chatting to people too, talkin is easier than typing ...
But I have little issue with modern forms of communication or the technology ... That photo though is a little sad!
If your going to go out, then taking your phone to sit chatting(or whatever) on seems a bit odd! But then that's what everyone has chosen to read into that photo... They might have been talking a moment ago about a film they couldn't remember the name of and are now having a race to see who can find it on the imdb first! She will find it, it was the big lebowski ... The "you see what happens when you **** a stranger in the ***" bit ...they will both laugh and carry on thier convo about films with John goodman in... Monsters inc would have been an entirely different filmic he played the same character as in the big lebowski! ...
Maybe not, but you never know ...
Brian may well have the greatest insight, maybe he called the photo what he did because him and his missis watched these two sat thier on thier phones for hours not talking ... Or maybe the title was part of an idea to provoke a response from the image!
It's like what Erol Moris(?) was saying in that clip the other day ... Even an unedited photo can tell whatever story the viewer chooses to give to it!
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Hamish, was St. Valentine's Day night. He's texting,..."I love you." and she's texting "I love you too." It was a moment of romantic communication made possible by modern technology. That's why I titled the image "Modern Romance." It was very sweet. ;)

Of course, you are absolutely correct. I captured a snap shot. No idea what it really showed.
Ahh, but the implied story is what it's all about IMHO - title + image - it's all in the presentation :)