Brian Moore

Huntington Beach California, on the evening of St. Valentine's Day, 2012.
Canon 7D. No post processing ('cause I don't know how).
Yes,...I was thinking the other day how much reading and direct interaction with human beings--i.e., conversation--I had missed out on over the years due to the compulsive laziness to which I have succumbed as a result of new-fangled devices such as the telly, the computer or the smart phone. I'm not as bad as some,...but it's sad nonetheless.What a society with live in, Eh?!
Thank very much, Pete.
Yes,...I was thinking the other day how much reading and direct interaction with human beings--i.e., conversation--I had missed out on over the years due to the compulsive laziness to which I have succumbed as a result of new-fangled devices such as the telly, the computer or the smart phone. I'm not as bad as some,...but it's sad nonetheless.
Thanks again, Pete.
LOL Allan. Yes, from time-to-time a color fotie.Its in colour !!
Me too Davie! (So perhaps that makes me anti-social as well.)i'd much rather text or email than actually speak to people
I agree with you Pete!I think I must be a bit of a dinosaur!