Moooo Cows

Haha... I wonder if anyone has ever taken a photo of a cow where it didn't look like a moron?

Very nice I love the second one
That shadow is a spoiler in the last I think... Other than that, Great moron expression. ;)
Great. I think Cows are one of the most under estimated farm animals ever, unlike Hamish I don't think they have a Moronish look they just looking at you an thinking Durh! Dumb hooman they have a soft nature (even if they do crush people from time to time) thats because they are shy yet inquisitive (wouldn't get in their way mind) much nicer faces then Hosses.........:) IMO love the shots too btw
I look at them and thing 'Colmans' - Mmmmmmmm
or drop o pepper sauce and some tatties Chris lol

Nice shots by the way Alistar. I have few moos on my hard drive might upload 1 or 2 soon