Chris Dodkin
West Coast Correspondent
Their mum and dad had to go visit Toys R Us for some reason
so we got to entertain the girls for the morning.
First up - more cupcakes! Always a firm favorite
Next, making necklaces with wooden beads
Then a trip to the botanical gardens, and a run through the grass maze
Solitary for anyone who mis-behaved
Up the rope ladder
King of the castle
Launching ships
Anyone in there?
All shots 5D2 and 24mm f1.4 L

First up - more cupcakes! Always a firm favorite

Next, making necklaces with wooden beads
Then a trip to the botanical gardens, and a run through the grass maze
Solitary for anyone who mis-behaved
Up the rope ladder
King of the castle
Launching ships
Anyone in there?
All shots 5D2 and 24mm f1.4 L