Mother Ginger's Entrance

Brian Moore


Snapped this with the Oly XA and Kodak Ultramax 400 film.
Lovely colours, lighting, shadows ... interesting to look at ...
Typical Brian photo, typically liked by my self!
Id love to see what people thought of your shots on DPR you know ... Its not sharp!! and taken with film!! What, what what what what?? ;)
This is the sort of shot that makes me review my film shots that I've taken in the past and look at th in a different way entirely....
Very interesting shot as many of your shots are... Well done :)
Thank you Hamish, Dan and Pete. I had a feeling I was going to like this one even before I scanned it in; the neg just had a vague and interesting quality about it. I was quite happy when I saw the positive version. Thanks again chaps.
Pure theater Brian - love it! :)

RE initial impressions from negs etc

I can often see/feel that an image is going to be good, just from the thumbnail - must be a compositional trigger in the brain or something...
I like that kind of semi-abstract effect. If you posted this on you'd be assassinanted by the pixelafia