My best Mate...Booey..

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
Forgive me for a little self indulgence this evening, am not the best company ATM having lost my best mate. Booey had been with me since 1999 this week and today I lost him. In my mind he will remain, I have fantastic memories of him and many photos but for my own sake I'm post this one..

Barnee 'Boo' Golden Ausbuhen....

Booey by Kev Pugh, on Flickr
Thanks Lesley is nice to have friends around who understand, Booey was a big part of my life, went through so much together, he never questioned and always listened even if he didn't really know WTF i was on about..:D
I remember taking this, Booey hated having his photog taken he was very compliant but really wasn't happy acting model for the day,he suffered me greatly, he was very self assured, very confident and totally aware, hopefully this catches that...

The Boo.. by Kev Pugh, on Flickr
Thanks Pete, I had decided to go ground tonight but am glad that I stayed top side, been a crap day/week but sometimes it's best to just keep trying to go on, unless one has had a friend so loyal for so long one really can't get a grip of the pain one feels when one loses such a loyal friend............:(
awwww really gutted for ya KK, devastating news aint it, just as bad as loosing a member of the family...RIP Barnee Boo
Noooo!! Gutted Kev. Sorry to hear the bad news.
Boo was a great dog. I had the privalage to meet him in person. What a great character!
My sorrows are with you. All the best.
Thanks DDhe was truely a great mate and never questioned my photog..........other than those he was in of course.....:D:D:D
Condolences Kev I know what you are going throw my parents lost their two Jack Russell's last year at the age of 17 still miss them lots and I can not imagine life without my dog Ava who is only 5
Sorry to hear this, Kev. Mans best friend & all that, it really is true with dogs. Take care mate.
How very sad. Words at these times can't make a real difference.
The portrait you posted suggested confidence and totally alert
awareness. But, what I see in the eyes, is a truly devoted and
loving soul, I am very sorry you can be together but the memories
help later.... much later.