Critique Welcomed My Buddy Keith...

Brian Moore

...on his commute home from work.

Vivitar PN2011 "toy camera" with flipped lens and Arista EDU 400 film processed in Rodinal.

Looks like he was wise to wear the helmet, both for the traffic and the fotie. Smart man.
Normally I would have called to him and asked him to smile for the camera but the evening traffic was congested and I felt that a smile, had he been able to produce one, might have seemed forced, so I opted to quietly snap this candid shot.

Especially since some drivers don't keep both hands on the wheel! ;)
Haha. We'll have to report him to the authorities, Pete. It's the humane thing to do.
Please don't tell the authorities. SWMBO's laws regarding driving photography are inflexible and bring swift and summary justice that causes pain.