My Camera Has Arrived - ( cheap as chips challenge )

Darren Turner










Bought From Ebay For 99p with £4 delivery. I already have some 400 Fujifilm from my other camera to have a play with.

Hope it

The Kodak Colorsnap 35 - largely a 35mm version of the Bantam Colorsnap, was made in the UK by Kodak Ltd. The 43.9mm f3.9 Anaston lens is set in a single-speed shutter, with aperture scale marked in weather symbols and EV numbers. The underside of the lens barrel is marked with the film speed scale, which calibrates the aperture for the weather symbols and combines with a flash distance scale. Fitting for screw-and pin flash is provided on the users left. There is a frame counter disc on the top right, which needs to be manually reset on loading.

There were two models: this model first made from July 1959-January 1964

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Nice one...have fun with her...........My film arrived yesterday total spend 4.99 + 2.19.........7.18 now that can't be bad can it....who said photography was an expensive business? :D
Excellent! Now let's get snapping guys!! :) :)
Intact, who has got themselves a camera yet? Is there anymore people taking part?
Darren,...I love that Kodak Colorsnap 35! Nice find!

So far I've acquired two Cheap As Chips cameras with a 3rd on the way. My objective is to asses the working condition of each once the 3rd has arrived, and make a selection of one for the contest. (However, since I already own 3 other Brownie Hawkeye Flash models I feel like using another one for the contest is a bit like cheating, I probably won't use it.)

Acquired so far:
1. Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash. ($6.95)
2. Kodak Starlet ($5.00)

On its way:
3. Balda "Micky-Rollbox Model II" (1930s box camera--$5.00)

An additional challenge: 2 and 3 take 127 film.
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I find everything is a challenge in the dark, Pete! :)

I have one roll of 127. Bought it last week at my local camera shop. Expired in 1970. I'm going to shoot it and see if I get anything. Currently looking at how to use 35mm in 127, though.
That's a sharp looking camera Darren, looks like it's in great shape
cheers guys cant wait to get out for a few hours & use a roll of film through it