Here is what I found two days ago in a junk shop. It is a Pentax SLR SP1000 with a 55mm lens in beautiful condition. It is no rarity. Nor is it expensive; and yet to me it is truly a beautiful piece of equipment when holding and beholding. Until I was old enough to be given the chance to use my parent’s camera, this kind of camera was already left gathering dust on the shelf. So, my experience with film camera, and in this case a SLR one, is very limited. I have been using mostly point-and-shoot digital cameras and recently upgrading to DSLR (cheers if you are also a Nikon fan)
I would like to ask a few questions. Please apologize if they are too basic and silly, but honestly I have no knowledge about them. What is the SW button on the side of the camera for? What do the letters “FP” and “X” on the same side with the SW button mean? Also, I have tried to fire the shutter up to 36 to test it, how can I reset it to 0 again? Do I have to get a roll of film to set it back to 0? Please see some attached pictures so that you can know the position of the button and letters I am asking. Thanks.
I would like to ask a few questions. Please apologize if they are too basic and silly, but honestly I have no knowledge about them. What is the SW button on the side of the camera for? What do the letters “FP” and “X” on the same side with the SW button mean? Also, I have tried to fire the shutter up to 36 to test it, how can I reset it to 0 again? Do I have to get a roll of film to set it back to 0? Please see some attached pictures so that you can know the position of the button and letters I am asking. Thanks.
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