My Glass i image of the day: Plaza Self Storage

Brian Moore


A Deco style building on the corner of Pacific and 7th in San Pedro, California. Olympus XA. Walgreens (i.e., Fuji) 400 ASA film.
Thanks, Pete. I wonder if that may have something to do with the lighting, as the sun was low in the sky behind the building, yet still strong.
Brian - is this the same film as the crane shot?

Looks like it's also got a cool cast to it, which is working well with these shots.
Yes and no, Chris. Same brand, but different speed. This one is 400 ASA, the crane shot was on 800. It's Walgreen's branded film. (I stocked up when they were unloading it for a a dollar a roll a couple of weeks ago. I cleaned out the store near me.)

It's actually Fuji film.