my glass i: Long Beach on the Horizon

Brian Moore


Looking north toward Long Beach from Sunset Beach on a cloudy late afternoon.

Voigtlander Bessa
Kodak Tri-X 400
Developed in Rodinal

Me Blog:

Me Flickr Stream:
Love the way the film exposure artifacts interact with the clouds :)

For a moment there, I thought you'd caught a waterspout off the coast! ;)
Thanks a lot Chris. By the way, the image I posted this morning on my blog was inspired by your photo of the reflection of the Rockafeller Center in a window. My image isn't as good as yours, but I thought of your shot as soon as I saw the image I ultimately snapped. It's here:
Thanks very much, Pete! (That's YOUR C3? I though it was Hamish's. Anyway, I saw the photo of it that Hamish posted. It's a magnificent looking beast. So too is the C330 I borrowed.)
You're too kind, Chris! Thank you.

I saw your original post about your VLA excursion. Looks like a great idea. Alas, and unfortunately, it's not in the cards for me this time around. Thanks for asking, though.

By the way, Chris, when I posted my blog photo this morning I intended to paste the link to your inspirational photo. Couldn't though because the RPF site was down. Now that RPF is up again I've corrected that omission. You may now consider yourself "mentioned in dispatches."

Oh, and now I know I was confused; it was the Chrysler Building that you photgographed and whose distorted reflection inspired me, not the Rockafeller Center.

I've fixed my error! (It's enough to drive a man to drink, ain't it!?)

Thanks again.
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