my glass i: Terminal Decay

Brian Moore


One of my favorite places to shoot photos is Terminal Island. It's a man-made island that is vital to the Port of Los Angeles. Part of the island is in Los Angeles, but part of it is in Long Beach. In fact, with bridges at either end (and one in the middle) Terminal Island is like a stepping stone between LA (to the north) and Long Beach (to the south).

I took this photo after work one evening with my Olympus XA. It was in July, about 6:30pm. I used Walgreen's brand (actually re-branded Fuji) 800 ASA film.

my glass i

Flickr: brian-moore's Photostream
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That look like the sort of place i would have a field day!
Really nice tones indeed!
I wish i lived closer to more places like this ... I have been trying to take photos of this sort of thing for weeks!
Thanks a lot, Pete. I'm glad you mentioned the RH foreground. I have a similar shot but without that portion. I was doing the old eeny-meeny for a moment but ultimately I chose this one to post specifically because of the RH foreground. Thanks again.
Thanks Hamish. Although there is a lot of good stuff to photograph there, it's actually not easy to get access to good vantage points on Terminal Island. (Lots of security since its part of the port.) This particular shot was aimed through a chain-link fence.
Great tones Brian! I've been glancing at your work each time you post and feel a well deserved comment is in order.
Really like this shot! If I was there, I'd of probably tried to Rambo over the fence for some more shots! Lol, but im stupid like that :p
That look like the sort of place i would have a field day!
Really nice tones indeed!
I wish i lived closer to more places like this ... I have been trying to take photos of this sort of thing for weeks!
Hamish, I'm going to take a visit in the next couple of weeks to Dudley, very industrialised scenery, and I'm going to pay particular attention to the abandoned railway tunnel, and the 2.7km walkable netherton canal tunnel. Fancy it???
Haha! Yeah,...I've done the Rambo thing once or twice in my life, too. Regretted it once or twice as well. LOL.

Anyway, I appreciate the comments very much!
Brian - Stunner - very atmospheric - love decaying industrial landscapes

I had Darren B telling me to climb over the fence into the Salk Institute this weekend, when I arrived to shoot sunset and found the gates locked :(

I chickened out and went home without a shot

I want to shoot the old airship hangers up near Irvine - but fences may well get in the way there as well! :(
Thanks a lot, Chris.

A pal and me climbed the walls of the Alamo one time. 3 am. Alcohol fueled of course. The place was closed and we wanted to see it. (What would you have done in our place...?) This was a while back. More than 20 years. I think I may have a couple of photos deep in the vaults. Suffice to say we were lucky to get out of Texas before we got strung up! (Good times...:p)

I have such a fond memory of our 2-man siege of The Alamo that I would say a similar scaling of the Salk walls might be good sport. Please post pics. :)

You've given me an idea for tomorrow's my glass i post (no,...not the Alamo). Thanks again Chris.
Hamish, I'm going to take a visit in the next couple of weeks to Dudley, very industrialised scenery, and I'm going to pay particular attention to the abandoned railway tunnel, and the 2.7km walkable netherton canal tunnel. Fancy it???

definitely let me know... its hard to schedule me time with a 9 week old baby, but im up for it if i can for sure!